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20 Year Vision Plan

       To start, I think that the concept of looking ahead 20 years and knowing where you will be, what you will be doing, what you will be like, what you do like, and all that stuff is a giant waste of time. But it's required to graduate, so enjoy. In 20 years when I'm almost 40, I hope that I'll have either a flexible, well-paying job or my own business so I will have time to be with my hypothetical family. I hope that in 20 years I'm still able to play frisbee with all my old Dark Meat teammates. I hope that I'll still be in touch with all my elementary school friends, and I hope we still play video games together. I hope that in 20 years they will have figured out how teleportation works, so I can wake up 5 minutes before I'm supposed to be at work and still get there on time. Yes I know that theoretically teleportation is impossible, but whatever, it's my hypothetical future. In the future I hope would have had some impact on people through my job, which again, I have no idea what will be, but I hope it has a positive effect on the world. I hope that I would have traveled to Japan, Germany, England, Italy, Newfoundland, and Dubai. Maybe not all of them, because I don't think I'm going to be rich or anything, so I think half would be a good goal. I hope that I'm a good parent and that my future hypothetical kids are morally right. I hope I live in a nice big house, and that its property value doesn't go down ever. I hope I have nice neighbors. I hope that I had gone to Coachella at least once. I hope that I had gone skydiving without being strapped to someone else. I hope that I met some of my favorite actors coincidentally like Will Ferrell, or Mark Wahlberg at like an airport or something like that. I hope that I get to go to New York City and see The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon. So yeah, that's what my future is going to be like. I'm absolutely positive.

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